How to order ?

If you have problem to order , don’t hesitate to call our service at: 0383322974 or 0950769871 (local price call).


You can join our service at: 0383322974 or 0950769871 (local price call)
From Tuesday to Friday 9h30 -12 AM and 2h30 - 7h PM.
Closed on Saturday at 5h PM.
Your order will be registered at once.


It’s easy to order on line. Make a click on the product then select the amount and click on to order at the end.

Chose the destination for the delivery to know all the details of your order and to know the total price.
Chose your means of payment and delivery (Bank card, cheque, receive versus payment);
I accept and sign the general commercial terms.

Your order is valid by clicking on “register” down the page.
For cheque payment don’t forget to print your order receipt and to enclose it in your mail. You can also write on the back of your cheque the number given to secure your order.
We’ll e-mail you to secure your order and to give you a pass word if you are not yet registered as a customer.

You’ll be able to follow your order by connecting on your customer account.

Paiement sécurisé : Mastercard Visa Carte Bleue Logo PayPal standard