Customers are bound to honor orders made through the answering server once they are received by our customer service.
LES GRANDS RUCHERS DE FRANCE make the Commitment to do their utmost in order to deliver orders timely right after they receive the purchase order and payment. The delivery times mentioned on the purchase orders are for informaton only. Possible delays do not give customers the right to cancel an order, refuse the goods or claim damages.
Any claim for non conformity or for anything missing will have to be sent within the week following reception of the order.
LES GRANDS RUCHERS DE FRANCE can change prices at any time without notice. The customer is committed to pay the current selling price at the time the order has been received. Orders are paid in advance when they are being sent to LES GRANDS RUCHERS DE FRANCE, except for Cash with order.
Retractation Right
In accordance with article L121 of the Consumption Code, the customer is given 14 clear days as of the day of delivery of the order, to return goods at LES GRANDS RUCHERS DE FRANCE, for exchange or reimbursement, without penealities, except for mailing costs.
Protection of Personal Data
All the data you give us are protected in order to be able to process your orders. In accordance with law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relative to Computer Science, to files and to liberties, you have the right to access, visit, alter, correct or suppress all the data you have communicated to us, at Customer service.
Any placed order wins the customer over, and without restriction, to the Associations general Sales Conditions. Any dispute relation to Sale (price, General Conditions of Sale, product...) will be submitted to French Law at the trade Court.