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Cupularve - Queen rearing System in plastic

29.90 € TTC
24.92 € HT

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Débit à
14 jours


Registered pattern avoiding grafting.

Made from alimentary plastic material.

Principle : with our system, the queen lays eggs directly in the artificial cell cup.

Allows the rearing from larvas aged of 6 to 24 hours.



A Cupularve consists of 3 main parts :




   - A plate with 110 cells and a reserve of candy for the introduction of a foreign queen (1).

    The 110 cells will receive 110 artificial cellcups CNE3 (not included) or 110 wax cellcups

    realised with the cellcup – M. KEMP mold.


   - A queen excluder (2).


    - A supporting plate (3).   



Dimensions : 147 x 130 x 28 mm.






·  Cut in a round with brood, in the middle of the frame, a rectangle with the same dimensions than the Cupularve. Fix Cupularve with 2 woodenscrews in the corresponding holes. Put honey in the cells. Put it several months in the middle of the brood without queen excluder (if you do not use it, the smell of the queen will make the next egg laying easier).

·  Feed the hive 4 days before and during the eggs laying.

·  Introduce the queen (with candy for a foreign queen).

·  Extraction of the cellcup containing the Larva aged of 6 to 24 hours is easier with CNE/2 (90% of acceptation).


If conditions of rearing are optimised (Season, Population, Temperature, Race, feeding, Cupularve right in the middle of the brood…), the eggs laying of the queen occures within 24 hours. Check that the beepassing is enough for the bees : minimum 8 mm.

We can also put the Cupularve in the wax (maximum 65°C). The disformation temperature starts at 75°C.

You can release the queen automatically after 24 hours with a big honeycandy block situed in the candy reserve.

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